The latest results OF PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment ) has announced.
The results showed that Asian countries students perform very well.
What is Pisa?
Pisa is a global test that assesses for 15 year old student over 70 countries organised by OECD ( Economic Cooperation and Development mechanism) for purpose of evaluate education systems .
PISA tests critical thinking in math, science, and reading to 15 year olds. The test questions do not measure memorization of facts, but rather demand that students draw on knowledge and real-world problem solving skills.
PISA is held every three years since 2000. The most recent assessment (2012) result has been announced in 2015.

Here are the lists of Top 15 countres for three subjects and “Math and Science”
Shanghai-China, Singapore, Hong Kong-China, South Korea and Japan are the top five performers in total score in PISA 2012.
All top five centuries are in Asia.
Asian countries excels moreover and ranks in the world top 15.
Another surprisingly Vietnam ranked on 15th which better score than USA and UK.
Unlike any other Asian countries in the list, it is their first time to achieve such a high ranking and even higher than other developed Asian Countries. We can clearly see that Asian Countries are rising and become more competent with their education system.
If you want to try the test of PISA, please visit following site
Try the test-OECD