Why Should You Choose Origami For Your Child?

If you have a small child and are looking for something to improve his/her concentration and be attentive at school, then you may try to use this material we will share today.

It is a tool to help children develop their brains and become more focused.

Children will use hands, fingers, and eyes altogether to fold papers into animals or other figures. This material is called Origami.

I will tell you what Origami is and why it is good for your child.


What is Origami?

Origami is from the Japanese word “oru” which means “fold” and “kami” which means paper.

It originates from China and became popular in Japan in the 18th Century.

It is an art of paper folding which turns simple paper into birds, butterflies, flowers, dogs, dragons, elephants and even pokemon!

Origami can be very simple foldings to complicated ones so even small children can enjoy it.


Why is origami good and needed for your child?

Origami has many benefits for your child such as improving concentration to do tasks and studying.

It also boosting math skills which help your child get higher grades at school.


What kind of problem does your child have now?

The way to fold paper is very important for your child to improve his/her brain. 

When a child folds a paper and manipulates to make new objects, he/she uses hands and eyes together that is quite hard for young children. 

Before, children more often used their hands and fingers more by playing with toys and other puzzles.
But nowadays, children use their hands and eyes mostly in a simpler way.

Because children are mostly using smart devices to play games. 

Smartphones and tablets are very easy to use. 

Children may just tap and scroll the screen and they can enjoy many games and more.
These are very minimal activities for a child’s hand and brain.

If children only use electrical devices, they will lose the opportunity to do complicated movements using their hands and fingers.

Their fine motor skills may not develop well because of less movement.
Fine motor skills are important for children.

It involves the coordination of the brain and small muscles that control hands, fingers and thumb.

This skill helps children perform important tasks such as eating food, grasping toys, buttoning and zipping clothes, writing, drawing, cutting and more.  

Without improved fine motor skills, it will be hard for children to complete a task.

As a result, they may become slow learners, not focused and do not enjoy studying. 


How Origami helps to develop your child’s brain?

As we mentioned, fine motor skills are very important.

But, because of today’s environment of children, the use of complex hands and fingers became less and less.

More often, children are using smart devices that use simple hand movements.

We need to give children more activities that will allow them to use their hands more and more rather than using electronic devices.


Let’s Play with Origami!

Origami is the best way to promote more complicated use of hands and fingers. 

Through paper folding, your child will get benefits such as increased concentration, boost memory and enhanced fine motor skills. 

You do not need to look for expensive materials. Just prepare a square paper which your child can easily fold.

Are you ready to do Origami with your child?


What are 5 brain benefits of Origami to your child?

1. Brought up patience and concentration

Origami can be completed by concentrating and continuing to fold.

Even if your child gets stuck on the way if your child tries again without giving up,

Your child’s patience can develop.

Since origami is a repetition of detailed work,

Concentration can be improved by keeping focus while doing complicated hand movements.

2. Fosters thinking and imagination

In the beginning, your child has to follow the steps as you teach or  read a book.

After your child gets used to it, He/she will gradually be able to assume and complete the finished form.

When your child will know dictation on how to fold, your child will use imagination to think how to fold the same to what is dictated. 


Your child will begin to think about how to do this,

Understand the differences in the shape of folding,

And imagine the complete shape, such as what the shape will be.

Child’s imagination can also be fostered by imagining the finished shape, such as choosing which color or what color combination to make if he/she makes a lot.


In addition, origami books have complex shapes. 

As children get used to the shapes, he/she can develop thinking skills, such as how to fold from the three-dimensional folds and become the textbook. 

When your child reaches the age of doing mathematics in the future,

You need logical thinking skills to build up and prove each and every logic.

Origami, which progresses from a bird’s-eye view, allows children to naturally acquire thinking skills.

3. To Improve Fine Motor Skills

Origami requires fine work. 

Children are using their fingers tips while thinking about which of fingers to use and how to fold in various directions.

If a child wants to make nice folded Origami, they have to follow someone who is good at origami, or the child will try to think how to make nice by themselves.

Folding paper on such detailed work leads to manual training.

4. Can Train Spatial Cognitive Skills

It has been known that using origami can enhance a child’s spatial cognitive abilities. 

Spatial cognitive ability is the ability to reproduce the sense of distance and depth as perceived by the eye.

Training this ability can help your child become better in many academic and professional fields, such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

There are various methods to train a child’s spatial cognitive ability.

Even Small children can also learn spatial ability while playing with origami.


5. Hand movements can improve brain 

The fingertip is the site where the peripheral nerves are concentrated

So, it is also called the “second brain.” 

When your child uses complicated hand and fingertime movements,

It gives a good stimulus to the brain and in recent years it is also popular as an easy brain trainer.


Ways to enjoy origami with your child

These are the ways you can introduce origami to your child and enjoy!

1. Show the sample and how to fold origami 

It is important to let a child think on his/her own, but it can be difficult to get started without a sample.

First, you can show how to fold and show the figure which you made.
If you use colorful and beautiful origami it can increase a child’s curiosity about origami.

After you have done some objects, we recommend you to display the objects in your room, it keeps your child interested in doing origami.


2. Let’s start folding the easiest one!

Let’s try to make a simple one first!

Not everyone can make difficult origami in the beginning. 

You can start to show your child a simple one. 

If you fold origami into half, you can make a triangle.

It is important to let your child “enjoy folding paper” and learn the correct way to fold.


3. To develop children’s sense of achievement

It is important to let your child choose his/her favorite type and color of origami.

Children are happy to choose with many types and colors. So you can prepare different type of origami.

Your child will feel good when they can fold by themselves, and will enjoy folding more origami.


Three Recommended Origamis You Can Do With Your Child

Here are 3 videos to show how to make simple origami.
Let’s play with your child and Enjoy!

1. The easiest way to make heart!

This cute heart shaped origami is as good as decoration for home or your child’s room. 

To make the one is very simple, even small children can enjoy it.

Also, this is a good idea to be used as a gift card for your child’s friend.

Steps are very easy to follow, your child can enjoy doing. 


2. Emoticons/Emoji folds

In changing parts, your child can see different faces. He/she can enjoy seeing changes in faces. Also, you can make some stories behind each face and tell your child. 


3. Easy Origami Bird Step by Step

Making an animal or any creature with paper is most fun for children!

But, if you have a small child, you can make one first then let him play with it.

When you do first, your child will also be interested and start to fold by himself.


We Invite You to Join our Origami Workshop

Now that you know what is origami and why it is helpful for children, 

But you are not sure how to teach your child the correct  way.


Then we have great news for you!

We invite you to join our Origami Workshop.


In this workshop, we will guide children to do paper foldings and turn them into wonderful objects and animals they love.

Our professional teachers will teach them in a fun and exciting way where they can learn and play at the same time. 


Find out more. Book now!



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