Is your child studying at home because school is closed?
Do you worry about your child’s learning?

Many parents like you are facing problems with their child’s motivation to learn.
Some kids are not interested in studies and play more.

In this situation, how can you keep your child motivated to learn?
What are the dangers of not encouraging your child to learn while schools are closed?

We will share with you reasons why your child loses motivation to learn.
And how you can get them excited again and make them happy.

Why does your child lose motivation?

All schools are closed for a longer period of time.
What does your child do at home?

Is your child spending much time playing and not missing school?
f so, I am sure you are very worried about the situation.

Maybe, you can see that your child is losing motivation to learn.
This is a sad and real problem for parents like you.

When your child is not interested in studying,
It will be very hard for them to catch up once school has started.

We understand, to keep your child motivated to learn is a hard thing for you.
But, you really have to help him/her stay motivated.

Because if your child loses motivation, he/she will be delayed with school lessons.
So, to get motivation, you need to find out the reason why your child lost or doesn’t have it. 

Here are the typical reasons Why your child loses their motivation.

1. Feels stressed
2. Feels forced into doing tasks
3. Too many distractions at home
4. Some learning problems
5. Tasks are too difficult to do

Have you found any reasons that match your child?
Now, we can find out what is wrong with your child’s motivation.

What is the biggest problem with your child losing motivation?

If your child goes to school, he/she can physically communicate with teachers and schoolmates, also they can compete through many activities at school.

At home, your child will only study alone with you.
No friends to talk with or do competition.
There are many distractions that can take away your child’s attention.

So, it is a hard time to keep his/her motivation.
But you have to try to keep it.

If your child has lost motivation to learn, he/she doesn’t want to study and stops learning.
When schools finally open up, it will be very hard for your child to catch up.
Because he/she will be delayed in school lessons.

7 Ways to Motivate Your Child while staying at home

Because you want to keep your child motivated, you may look for something.
But it is very difficult to find some ways to help your child.

To help you, we will share tips on how to keep your child motivated to study.

1. Helping Your Child Set Effective Goals and Plans

To reach your child’s goal in learning, you can help to make his/her own plan and set a goal to learn.
You and your child can set a goal first, then think of ways on how to reach there.

For example, if your child likes animals, ask how many animals he/she wants to learn by the end of the week.
Then, make a plan with your child on how to reach the goal such as how long to study per day and how to study.

When your child can set goals and plan on their own, he/she will build strong confidence and become proud of his/herself. 

2. Letting your child make the decisions.

Giving your child some choices while learning makes them feel they can be a decision-maker.

When a child feels someone is forced to do so, he/she often loses interest to learn.
It’s important to let your child decide on their own learning experience. 

For example, when your child draws a sunflower and colors it blue, please do not force her to use yellow.
Let your child choose his/her favorite color to use so he/she can enjoy it.

When your child enjoys it, the motivation to learn will always be there.

3. Let’s listen to your child’s opinion carefully

It is good to check your child’s feelings about the changes in schooling. 

Encourage your child to speak about what he/she feels about their lessons.
Let him/her know that you are ready to listen about what your child’s likes, dislikes, and concerns.

When your child begins to tell you about his/her opinion or why they do not like to study,
don’t immediately tell them you do not like or disagree. 

Because when your child feels their opinion doesn’t matter, he/she will not engage in learning.

4. Focus on your child’s favorite topics

If you really want to help your child to become a good learner, you have to find out their interest or subject that he/she is good at. 

Once you know their favorite or subjects they are good at, encourage the child to explore more about it. 

For example, if your child likes animals, then you can bring your child to a bookstore and choose an animal book that he/she likes.

You can use the book he/she chose during lessons at home.
Then you can ask “what are your 5 most favorite animals from the book?”

Also, ask your child why he/she liked those animals.

When your child studies about what they like or can relate to, your child will spend more time on it and will feel they are expert or really good at it. 

Your child will not lose interest but will feel more confident to study.

5. Let your Child learn more play-based method

So it is very important that you add simple games to make the lesson fun and active.

Play is also good to strengthen your bond and reduce stress especially this time.
Children are naturally motivated to play.
Through play, your child will engage more and learn. 

Play-based learning builds a child’s motivation by using imaginative and fun ways to learn.

6. Praise your child after accomplishment

Once one task is done, please appreciate him/her by praising.

Specific and immediate positive feedback is good to motivate child’s do more tasks.
You can give specific feedback like “that is a great idea, I never would have thought of that” or “you draw the moon like the real one!”

But if you cannot think of specific praise immediately, simple praises such as “very good” and “nice job” can also work.
Positive wording is very important to enhance positive behavior and confidence.

When your child has positive behaviors especially in learning, he/she will not lose motivation.

7. Make the lesson competitive

You can encourage your child to have positive competition.
When at home, you can add some competition with your child with other family members.

If there is no competitor, you can change normal tasks to become a competitive task.
For example, if your child has to do something such as homework,
you can challenge your child by setting a timer and asking him/her to finish within the time you set.

Then praise your child for doing it on time and challenge him/her to do it with less time tomorrow.

This method can help your child do tasks on his own and be challenged with some competition.

What can you do to build your child’s motivation now?

The most important thing is to keep your child motivated.

For keeping it, you have to use proper ways to build a child’s own feeling of wanting to learn.
If your child is motivated, the opportunity to learn is unlimited.

But if you feel that you are still not confident to help your child on your own, we can work with your problem.
We provide preparatory/special lessons for those children who need help in catching up with the upcoming school term.

Join our motivation-boosting lessons!

If you really want to motivate your child, but not sure if you can do by your own and feel not confident. 
You can book a consultation with us or try our trial lesson

We provide other programmes that may be suitable for your child’s needs.
In addition to the normal Enrichment classes, we have short term classes and holiday programmes.

If you need more detail please contact us at 023 987 180 or send us a message by FB messenger

Also, you can click Our Programmes to see if you are looking at other programmes.

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